# oh-stepper-item - Stepper List Item

Display a stepper control in a list

# Configuration

# List Item

General settings of the list item

# title Title TEXT

Title of the item

# subtitle Subtitle TEXT

Subtitle of the item

# after After TEXT

Text to display on the opposite side of the item (set either this or a badge)

# icon Icon TEXT

Use oh:iconName (openHAB icon), f7:iconName (Framework7 icon), material:iconName (Material icon) or iconify:iconSet:iconName (Iconify icon, requires being online if not in cache)

# iconColor Icon Color TEXT

Not applicable to openHAB icons

# iconUseState Icon depends on state BOOLEAN

Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)

# Stepper

# item Item TEXT item

Item to control

# min Min DECIMAL

Minimum value

# max Max DECIMAL

Maximum value

# step Step DECIMAL

Minimum interval between values

# buttonsOnly Buttons Only BOOLEAN

Display the buttons without the value in the middle

# small Small BOOLEAN

Smaller size

# large Large BOOLEAN

Larger size

# fill Fill BOOLEAN

Fill the buttons with the primary color

# raised Raised BOOLEAN

Display the buttons with a raised style

# round Round BOOLEAN

Display the buttons with a rounded style

# autorepeat Auto-repeat BOOLEAN

Continue to increase/decrease the value while the buttons keep being pressed

# autorepeatDynamic Dynamic Auto-repeat BOOLEAN

Speed up the increase/decrease over time while the buttons keep being pressed